The Team
Most people fear him, works as a dentist. Can’t be missed in the team due to his experience with (cash) injections. He is always ready to push people beyond their
limits and bossing people around is this guy’s second nature.
Studying Artificial Intelligence at Radboud University, is responsible for managing relationships with our suppliers and developers. He is also a real handyman and never turns down some burgers and beer.
The genius with the idea, works as a sales manager at an app developing company and calls himself the most epic man on the planet. He is responsible for the creative process, making websites and all kinds of graphic adventures!
Unlike many commercial products you buy nowadays, The Burger Jacket® was developped as a passion project by us three. We had limited resources to develop the product and chose to privately finance the project. We are not affiliated with a fast-food chain or Burger restaurant. Due to this decision we had no obligations towards investors and could fully shape the project to our liking. One downside: we had to design, shoot and develop everything ourselves in order to handle the costs. All content on this website (including the webdesign), was shot, edited or created by us, except for images displayed in the shop and technical design of the Burger Jacket itself.
Special thanks to our friends, family , suppliers and all others who supported our crazy idea.
We hope you like it!